
Thing 11: Tagging and Del.icio.us

Until not so long ago, I was virtually oblivious to tags and how they could be used as organizers and retrieval tools. I've started using them in this blog, but not consistently. It's a new habit that I will have to force myself to develop--although experiencing the benefits of tags will serve as a further source of motivation.

For Reference:

At this point, I'm not certain that I have an overwhelming use for this service. I'll investigate it further and reflect for a day or two. At this point, I believe that sharing my links/bookmarks and exploring those of others could, as mentioned very early on in this process, be a time stealer. The best use for me is to store bookmarks in a single place so that they are not limited by the location of a particular computer: This is a function I can appreciate.

As I register for, practice using, and store materials on these various sites, occasionally an uncomfortable feeling wafts over me: Do I really want to store important materials online? (Will someone hack into my Wiki--or will a glitch open the door--and vandalize it or place obscene content in my name?) Will there come a day when access shifts to a pay-per-use system? In another article, a writer points out that blogs and wikis expose students to too much openness outside the school walls--where uncontrolled exposure offers risks. I mentioned in an earlier post that I was becoming uncomfortable with Google's domination of many of these services, but now my discomfort has extended beyond that. Am I worrying too much? Do we simply stop using services if the risks and costs outweigh the benefits? Is it that easy when connections/relationships are based on those services? Something to think about.

For Reference:

Just for fun, I tried PageKeeper and found it very easy to set up and add categories and entries. It has potential to be a good organizer for teachers, but its social sharing capacity was far more interesting. To know that our collections and those of others are available is intriguing--and possibly a rich source of information.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I believe that we all worry...sometimes too much, sometimes too little. I try to think of it in respect what I would or wouldn't want to know.

As for the tagging...I agree with you. I've done tagging for quite some time...but it still lacks appeal to me.

Who knows what the future will hold.

Cindy Gruwell
CMLE 23 Things Coach